Tuesday, August 30, 2016


In the spirit of ideas, since our Bored crawled under their usual rock during the off season, I would like to propose to the group a round of golf the day before PCTI starts.

I know guys have gotten together in the past and played, but I would like to make it a little more formal this time. We would put some teams together and get a little action going on it. Obviously there are a lot of great courses to choose from.

Since Abe blocked off a quarter of the year, I know we don't have a date yet, but I think it would be fun for those interested to get out a day early and enjoy some good weather. 

Let me know what you all think. 



  1. Leave it to Orr (who somehow is still a part of PCTI) to try and turn it into anything else outside of a basketball trip.

    Continue playing your round every week while others train for basketball and stop hiding behind that winning percentage.

  2. When is Mr. Orr coming back to Dallas to play in my pickup game?

  3. #12 on the Sperm Count yo ass needs to be in the gym anyway. With them damn Smo-like numbers

  4. Second the all caps OUT! OUT OUT OUT.
