Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wilson's Roommate Big Board 1.0

As draft day nears, here's your first look at my updated Big Board for our potential prospects.  These reflect my personal rankings, not how I think the draft will go...I'll provide pro's/con's for each prospect and point out specific criteria that may have affected a prospect's positioning on the Board.  No rankings were given to Room Captains, as they are one of the saddest set of people ever selected to choose anything.  Without further (Freddy) Adu, your rankings:

1)  Deuce:  Pro's--This guy, I love this guy right here.  Epitome of awesome.  Tape speaks for itself.  No flaws.

2)  Spot:  Pro's--Cling to this guy long enough and you'll be able to gobble up whatever scraps he leaves you, which due to his ridiculously good looks will be better than anything you'd ever be able to pull yourself.  Con's--You'll always be that "ugly friend" when with him, so just take your medicine and try to crack some non-Thompsonian jokes.

3)  BC:  Pro's--Will keep you loose on your feet (and in your hips) with well-timed comedic banter.  Basically akin to a wristband that gets you into all the bars with one single cover charge, as he's coveted by all existing PCTI cliques.  Con's--Will be one month out from becoming Mr. Beavin so you have to hope that his mind is in the right place for the weekend.

4)  Abe:  Pro's--Home city advantage, direct link to all the happening "joints" in Danver ;).  Never met a time he couldn't make good.  Con's--Takes longer than me to get ready, which is really saying something.  Most likely to bring about gang-related violence by boning the wrong guy's wife.

5)  AHop:  Pro's--Always down for whatever and makes it a point to facilitate good times outside the hardwood, as he isn't the contributor on the floor that he once was.  Con's--Snores when drunk, showers infrequently, may be pouty being separated from the qP.  Affiliation with the Bored drops him from 4 to 5.

6)  Nature Boy Beas:  Pro's--Look no further than those eyes.  Easy to get lost in both them and deep conversation.  Spiritual healer.  Con's--A lock to construct a tree fort in his room for a more natural habitat, increasing the likelihood of bear attacks throughout the weekend.

7)  The Actor:  Pro's--Brings a solid bro mentality to any room.  Many fan allegiances so you'll always have an ally when watching baseball (WOOF) throughout the weekend.  Con's--You'll undoubtedly play the role of crash test dummy for new acting techniques and routines if you draft this guy, and most of them will undoubtedly suck.  Comedy routines drop him out of the top 5.

8)  Bruise:  Pro's--You'll never be without an eating companion with this guy at your disposal.  Con's--However, must eat often or you'll acquire several dreaded "incidental" charges on your VISA #hangry.

9)  BMac:  Pro's--Recently engaged (way to go idiot!) so perhaps he realizes his life will soon be ending and will pop the top and unleash himself from his pre-meditated word count for the weekend.  Breakout candidate for fifth year in a row.  Con's--Might be difficult getting any kind of sleep in his room due to high volume of learned grunts/noise releases from years of WOD's.

10)  Skilly:  Pro's--Access to ESPN Insider information, as his carry-on will only have trapper-keepers full of scouting reports for each PCTI'er #themoreyouknow.  Con's--"Where you go, I will follow" -Pitto

11)  Ca$h Crow:  Pro's--If you need to catch up on late night Seinfeld episodes or old WCW pay-per-views, this is your guy.  Also provides unlimited access to hair gel for duration of weekend.  Con's--Hotel room will look like Madden's playroom with all the props for his #selfies strewn about.  Grade-A complainer and overall drain on room fun.  Main player on the Bored will forever keep him at the bottom of the rankings.

12)  Sabin:  Pro's--does his own thing and stays out of the way outside of the hardwood.  Heavy sleeper from what I remember.  Con's--He's like the nerd at the sleepover that falls asleep at 9pm.  Old.  Note:  Pro's and Con's could be swapped?  Draft's biggest question mark.

That concludes our Big Board 1.0 as anticipation is at a fever pitch for the upcoming draft.  Who will be the biggest movers on draft day?  Tune in tomorrow to find out.


  1. I like your head game to make sure I drop to you at two.


  2. I have people sitting next to me on the plane trying to read this because I am laughing so hard. They are not finding it as funny for some reason, LOSERS. Anyhow, mid-construction of my mock and now discouraged. Well done.

  3. Yo Danie, lemme borrow some of them WCW tapes if we're not roomies. I could use a good Goldberg sesh if you've got'em.

  4. Fantastic. Lucky #7!!!! I'm stealing all my jokes from Hops this year. Both of us in the same room=DOUBLE TROUBLE!
