Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Ranking You Should All Be Worried About

As I continue to shake off the posting rust I accumulated being out of the game for a week, I wanted to write up one that should be more important to each of you than anything else that has been discussed the last 364 days.

Below are the rankings for who I'm most looking forward to seeing/hanging with next week. 15 being the least excited, 1 being the most.

15. Brent Carney

Rumor has it the dude's body is melting away from skipping meals, playing too much ball, and being naturally skinny. If I'm able to even see what's left of him (Skin, bones and one arm), I'm not overly excited about what he's bringing to the table. He hasn't drank in over six months, and all that tells me is that when it comes time to drink, he is going to be your typical out of control, drinking lightweight that embarasses the rest of the group.

14. Brian Eskildsen

This has nothing to do with the fact that I've probably seen him more in the last year than I have anyone else in the group, but Skilly's offseason has me boiling due to the lack of truth and credibility that has surrounded his reputation. He has been very high maintenance the last two PCTI's with his injury prone style, so there is nothing about him that gets me excited.

13. Spotlight

As if I thought Skilly's reputation was overrated, enter Spotlight. Dude comes into PCTI trying to flex his muscles quick, gaining the nickname and quickly promoting his renegade style on the podcast, immediately going after Jeff Sabin, and promoting a "Breaking Bad vs. the World Approach." The only time I'm looking forward to hanging with Spot is Friday night during dinner/film session, when I get to watch him watch video's of games he didn't play in. Unfortunately, he will be chowing on chicken fingers so maybe it won't be as painful for him as I thought. Damn.

12. Scott Donley

The good news for Scott is that he is my least hated of the 4 Horsewoman (The group of four that I've attacked the last few months, all of which I just named). I know Scott well enough to know that everything positive that has been said about him the last six months has gone straight to his head, at lightning quick speed. I'm tired of hearing about him and am not looking forward to seeing him.

11. Joe Thompson

Dude loves crowds, and this plays right into that. He will be putting his improv on display all weekend, and since I don't understand stand up comedy at all, I will be annoyed sitting there on the sidelines watching people laugh at him. What I am looking forward to is whatever prop/accessory he brings to play in that will end up off his body within five minutes of game 1.

10. Josh Pitto

There is just no way humanly possible to put him any higher. What Pitto excels in are first impressions, something he gets to re-do each year since we all only see him 4 out of every 365 days. I factored in how I will feel about him by the end of the weekend, otherwise he possibly could have been three or four slots higher. Pitto and I typically have very volatile offseasons, but this one has been relatively quiet, therefore I'm expecting a blow up at some point in the near future.

9. Josh Stephens

I like to consider myself one of about two Josh Stephens fans in this world (Bambi being the other one). His aloof approach to everything entertains me at times, however his booking of flight last minute and somehow not being able to time his arrival up with any of the 13 other guy's showing up that day, has diminished my enjoyment of his style. I have no interest in his cougar accomplishments, because I've never once in my life found hollering at ugly women entertaining. However, Sambuca in Plano is hands down the greatest cougar spot (Also the most expensive) bar in the country, so best of luck if he goes that route again.

8. Ben Wilson

Could be much higher if he wasn't so beloved by all other PCTI bretheren. If there is one thing that turns me completely off about anything, it's excessive hype, something that is constantly surrounding Wilson. I like his approach of answering the question "What do you want to do with your Sports Management Masters Degree" with "Be a GM of a team. Doesn't matter what sport." You really have to have swag to think you could are capable of being responsible for personnel moves for just about any sport, so I give him props for that. I will struggle with the music passion seeing as how we will be roommates, but I know the guy loves to eat, and I expect him to be my running mate everytime I feel like grubbing.

7. Anthony Hopkins

Hops is difficult for a few reasons. 1-I talk to him just about every day on Gchat, so I'm not sure at what point we run out of things to talk about. 2-Most people in PCTI either have an obvious rivalry, or a random affinity for. Hops falls right in the middle of that, so it makes it tough to rank him any higher or lower. All that being said, one of the most exciting parts of PCTI for me is coming back after each session, making fun of each other for who played worse, and enjoying a glass of red while doing so.

6. Jeff Sabin

I'm not sure if it's more excitement to see the swag he showcases as host, or excitement to watch his approach on interracting with everyone. I've watch him in positions of power before (Organizing his own pick up game) and I've never seen anyone exude a more cocky demeanor in less necessary situations than Sabin. What Sabin doesn't know is that I called BC about two months into living in Dallas (Sabin and I weren't close at the time) and told him he had to meet this Jeff Sabin guy because he was the most outrageous, entertaining basketball character of all time. I would forward BC emails of Sabin letting the group have it for inviting friends, and would call him and tell him everytime I saw him throw a guy out of the gym. He was a regular topic of conversation six months before Jeff and I became friends, so what he has done this offseason is of no surprise to me whatsoever. I always love watching him walk into his Wednesday night pickup game like he built the church and gym with his bare hands, and can't wait to see it on display all weekend.

5. Michael Beasley

Could be much higher if it wasn't for seeing him randomly every few months. Beas' ability to make a character out of almost anyone and any situation is something I love, but also feel a little threatened by, because that something I always thought I was the best in the world at. Listening to him interact with Bruise and BC is always entertaining, so once I get my camera set up in each room, I plan on monitoring their's the most.

4. Bryan McKinney

I absolutely have loved the heat McKinney has taken all offseason. The dude has somehow escaped every situation since I've known him of ever getting talked trash to, so this has been a breath of fresh air. What I'm looking forward to most is two things when it comes to McKinney: 1-His freakishly small carry on bag that he manages to pack a week's worth of stuff in (Only something his loser, outdoorsy ass would have) and his new found funny boy persona that he randomly picked up six months ago. Oh yeah, and he is one of my 24/7 eating brothers, a great way to get in really tight with me.

3. Ian Van Gay

There is just no one in this world more fun to watch people talk trash to then the Bruise. Now that everyone feels comfortable going at him (It takes a lot to push him far enough to hand out bruisings), I can't wait to see the interraction between Bruiser and all of the haters. From a non-trash talk perspective, Bruise is a guy that's always down for eating, drinking, talking old school wrestling, and trashing Nashville, which are the four most important things in my life.

2. Michael Orr

One of my few friends in this world that I don't trash 24/7, it's always a pleasure being around Smo because he is the only guy that has been around long enough to be able to be able to trash all the ridiculousness that has been the life Big Brent Carney. He is an absolute master of his craft of being funny (What makes him great is his ability to turn it on and off at the right times) and stirs up trouble so smoothly that he deserves a medal. He is a polarizing figure in big groups and look forward to watching him rip Bambi a new one all weekend.

1. Wes Murray

I've been steadfast on this guy since after PCTI2 in the sense that I just can't get enough. I've compared him to the girl that plays hard to get, and despite him going more vocal, he still knows how to play it to where I'm always wanting more from him. I referenced showmanship on the last podcast, and Murray is the world's master of it. His ability to filter through the layers of trash talk he has received and focus on one or two really deserving guys is one of my favorite storylines. He will be attacked by 75% of the group this coming week, and I look forward to him sending it back in Thompson and my face.

PCTI-III Checklist

Let me begin this post by saying I fully expect no one to utilize any of what I'm about to type. Frankly, I don't know that I will listen to my own advice. Regardless, there are very few opportunities in my life to be able to say "I told you so," so I look at this as a potential forum where I can accomplish that. This is a combination post of what you have to bring, along with a checklist of things that people could possibly want to enhance their weekend from a hoops perspective.

Must Have's:

1. Basketball Shoes (TLFK might forget these in favor of their hand wraps for deadlifts).
2. THREE pairs of basketball shorts.
3. FOUR undershirts/wifebeaters/etc.
4. FOUR pairs of socks.
5. FOUR pairs of boxer briefs, boxers, etc.
6. If hell has frozen over and you can't Pay Pal, bring two checks and a damn good excuse.
7. Jeans, collered shirts and a decent pair of shoes.
8. Jersey (This wouldn't be a legit checklist if I didn't state the obvious).

We will be doing laundry for shorts and jerseys after Sessions 1, 2 and 3. We are not doing the rest to avoid mixups and overloads of laundry. The Dallas area is very into dress code (Annoying I know), so although you don't have to look metro, avoid wearing tennis shoes, sandals, etc. out to the bars. Dress Code from Lexington is something I will miss big time.

Optional Stuff That Could Be Useful:

1. Extra set of laces. Don't discount the importance of this.
2. iPod Station.
3. Muscle recovery stuff.
4. Powder or THE GLIDE (Look it up).
5. Laundry Bag.

I've gone on record promoting the extra set of laces, and anticipate this to be a problem at some point in PCTI. When it is, expect me to go into self promotion, I-told-you-so mode like you've never seen before. This is something that our PCTI trainer will be in charge of 15 years from now, but for now it's our responsiblity. The rooms I'm sure have docking stations, but just in case, it's always nice to have. They tell me that iPhone's have decent speakers, but I wouldn't know anything about that. I'm not sure if muscle recovery stuff actually works, but if any of you think they do, this is the time and place to utilize it. I can't help but to wonder where I would be without the help of powder through all my days of hoops. The Glide is something new that you rub between your legs and prevents any jock itch/burn from happening. If that's too graphic I'm sorry, but if it helps save this from happening to one person, I'm all for it.

Now, time for the PCTI registered nutritionist to offer some opinions on how to avoid cramps, tightness, etc:

1. Drink coconut water.

I'm a notorious cramper due to lack of potassium (Chemical Element K for McKinney and all the other PCTI Chemists), and this has helped me avoid that. Drinking one has more K than eating two banana's, and is currently known as the best natural hydrator on the market. I should be paid for the way I promote this product. If you don't coconut, enjoy your Gatorade.

2. Drink aloe juice.

Drink two to eight ounces/day. Supports the immune system (Something that gets run down all weekend) and muscle, tissue and joint function (Kind of important given our circumstances). You might not know much about this yet, but you will.

3. Protein Bar (Cliff or Lara Bar's Suggested).

Cliff is the most well known, and for good reason. They are extremely high in carbs and protein, something that is desperately needed over the course of this weekend. It also is high in vitamins, something that most protein bars can't say. I'm sorry, but you can't convince me a protein bar is "Healthy" simply because it has peanut butter in it. Don't confuse a protein bar for a glorified chocolate bar.

4. Jerky.

Good news! Slim Jim is officially the sponsor for PCTI-III. The brand will be promoting it's new item, Slim Jim Steakhouse all weekend and will have samples on hand! YAY!!!!!

5. Foam Roller.

A lot has been made of what I would do without Hite's roller this year. The good news is that I bought one, a piece of rock hard foam about a foot long, and plan on bringing it with. This thing is fantastic if you do a few minutes before and after each game, rolling out the tightness and soreness, all the while loosening up your muscles.

As I said already, I expect no one to listen to me. The good news is that I don't care, because I'm just looking for some weekend HIIIIIIIIIIIIIITS.

5 Day Weather Forecast Stick

Wednesday, April 4:
Party Cloudy

What this means-A post hoop soak could be in the works.

Thursday, April 5:
Mostly Sunny

What this means-Flying should be smooth, roads should be clear, hype should be prevelant. Bring jeans and possibly long sleeves since we walk everywhere for dinner/out.

Friday, April 6:

What this means-I'm going to pop out of bed and annoy everyone until they wake up. For those of you that care, I'm thinking about getting an 8-10 am lay out in the sun session to get some color for the head shots.

Saturday, April 7:
Party Cloudy

What this means-See Friday hold the waking everyone up part (I'll only wake up my room this time).

Sunday, April 8:

What this means-Perfect Sunday weather hold the fact that some flights could potentially be delayed.


The weather is outstanding and couldn't be better. Although I hate talking weather, few people care more about it than me so I'm ecstatic about the hand we appear to be dealt. Texas is extremely humid and sticky, so the days will be warm. The good news is that we are in athletic clothes all day long, so that really has no effect on us whatsoever. It's looking like it will be slightly chilly at night, but since it's so dry in that city, I wouldn't expect jackets to be necessary.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Leaked EMAIL!

Here is an apparent motivational email that Josh Stephen sent to his team a few hours ago, leaked to

"Friday, March 30, 2012. 11:57 pm EST

Bad Boys,

One week to go time. I wanted to take a second to run some things by ya. First thanks for being skilled in the game of basketball and continuing to practice those skills and not getting too wrapped up in any extreme workouts. I honestly think skills will trump a bunch of meatheads running around. Even though their conditioning may be better, if we defend, rebound, and pass up to our skillset, while also taking the necessary breaks, we should take care of business in Dallas.

Also, each of you was the best basketball player available when I drafted you. I hope that since everyone involved in this has a fairly high basketball IQ, and no one really dislikes anyone in PCTI (except Sabin and Pitto), we should be able to play well together. I hope everyone gets to display their excellent array of basketball abilities and are not limited in minutes or feeling like you can only do one or two things well. You are all well rounded players with strengths and weaknesses. Just go out play hard and have fun and let the rest take care of itself.

Another thing, don’t get too wrapped up in being the favorite. While we are very confident in our skills, we just saw two number 2 seeds in the NCAA tournament get upset on the same day. Let’s not let this happen to us. Make sure we play as a team. Hit the boards hard. Get back in transition and for them into bad shots (or as I like to say, force them into Sabins).

I know this is the best motivational email ever, but let me say one last thing. As Frank the Tank said in Old School after getting blasted in the neck with a tranquilizer gun “I like you man, but you’re crazy.”


P.S. And you’re damn right I was alive when that movie came out!"


With the new budding rivalry between BC and Wes, I couldn't get this image out of my brain.


Offseason Workout Grades

Quite a bit has been made of what each PCTI Aflete has been doing in the offseason as far as training is concerned. Some sit around, some focus on actually playing hoops, while others choose to go with sexy workout outlets like Cross Fit, P90X, etc. As we all know, everything that happens in PCTI will be blogged about in some fashion. That being said, it's time we grade each program and see if there truly is a direct correlation between conditioning and on court production.

Michael Beasley: Natural, Body Weight, Outdoor Workouts in High Altitude Environments.

Beasley has never been known for slamming weights around and imposing his physicality on the court. What makes him an effective basketball player is loose, quick hips accompanied by a high octane motor. Give Beas credit for knowing his strengths, and basing his workouts around them. Yoga, hiking and pull ups were the center of his regimen, something not many can say. As far as basketball goes, Beasley has been working with renouned basketball trainer Will Horton, playing repeated one on one games in high altitude's against the world's highest motor. Interested to see if his training is enough to handle the wear and tear of 7 games.

Scott Donley: Leg Focused with Jump Training Circuit

Donley has received great notoriety from PCTI2 all the way through last week for his physical stature. Clearly, his routine has worked from a basketball perspective, of which he has been praised for blossoming on the court at age 27. He added an intense jump training circuit to his already difficult workout plan, one of which calls for steady growth of repetition over a 5 week period. The program should not only add spring, but strength and cardio to the legs and body. He has also been promoting his ability to guard the post, referencing the fact that he defends 6'10" Wisconsin mountain men on the reg.

Joe Thompson: Claim Chronic Fatigue/Injury While Secretly Training Hard

Let me begin by saying Thompson's regimen is not receiving the "F" because no one knows exactly what it is. What he is failing on is his idea behind it. No one, I mean NO ONE enjoys fooling people more than Joe Thompson. His strategy of promoting bad knees, check in's on 4-Square at Dr.'s appts, and excessive weight gain is all an act that is no longer fooling people. We all know he loves the camera, and there is no way with 300 pictures and 7 games worth of video shots that Thompson isn't at least wearing his biceps and chest out. I would say he is playing a few times a week, taking some sort of LA supplement that enhances the muscles, and whitening his teeth. I doubt his workouts were tailored around basketball, but don't expect a fat, sluggish Joe Thompson.

Jeff Sabin: Cross Fit Dedicated Workouts

There is no question that Cross Fit brings a superior amount of stamina, strength and explosion to anyone. Sabin is going on year 2 of power cleans, box jumps, dead lifts, pull ups, etc and expect that to continue and help him on the defensive end, rebounding and finishing. Additionally, he plays three times a week so his feel for the game should be as good, if not better than everyone else. The one thing he is missing from X-Fit is that he does not belong to a true Cross Fit gym, thus only competing against him self each day. I expect a similar Jeff Sabin as last year from a conditioning standpoint, something that any team desperately needs as the series gets deeper and deeper.

Bryan McKinney: Cross Fit Tempest

This can be debated all you want, but when pictures pop up of McKinney doing overhead squats, throwing tires, and doing hand stand pushups, you can't help but to recognize and be impressed with what he is doing. A guy that notoriously utilized his high motor as a strength has now added the world's most tireless workout program to his repertoire, something that no one in their right mind can look at as a negative. In addition to the workouts, he is competing for time against not only himself, but every other fellow Crossfitter that shows up that day, showing that he is pushing himself harder than any of us are. Having done this for a short time myself, I can guarantee no one will be better prepared for PCTI's wear and tear than McKinney. McKinney also has never had trash talk come his way, so he has added incentive to go off in PCTI3.

Ian Van Horne: D1 Sports Training

The workouts are not the reason Van Horne is receiving a C+, rather the lack of basketball playing the last few months. As far as workouts are concerned, The Bruise has done a great job of identifying his biggest weakness (Cardio) and joined up with D1 to focus on improving that. Sprints, high rep body weight squats, burpees, and core-focused workouts are the basis of what he has been doing, and I expect it to really benefit his ability to stay on the court, focus, defend and board for longer periods of time. Although, he has not been playing religiously, if there was anyone's game that could get away with it, it's his.

Michael Orr: Hoops, Weights, Bike Rides, Healthy Eating

Smo has never had a problem with his cardio, so that has nothing to do with it. However, in recent years Smo has picked up healthy eating to his already hectic routine of hoops, lifting, running... Anything active. What healthy eating does is give your body nutrients to be able to do all those things longer, harder and better than you were. With a game tailored around balls to the wall defense, expect the year of experience and conditioning, along with his recently appointed defensive captain role to be extra motivation to keep the opposition out of the paint.

Reminder...Writing Awards 2012


Voting for the Ernie Pyle PCTI Journalism awards is on Monday morning at 9am PST-12pm PST.

Mark Twain Prose Award-Best Original Post
Rob Delaney Humor Award-Funniest Post

You CANNOT vote for yourself. 

Both awards are getting 3 free beers each on Thursday Night courtesy of the Company Card.

Winner(s) will be announced on the blog on Tuesday Morning.

Frank Stallone

Chickity China, the Chinese Chicken

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Excuse Me?!

UMM EXCUSE ME?!  Why isn't everyone looking at me, I'm the baddest dude in this room!  Yo JerJohnjamon, is there something in my teeth?

Sweet sweater vest.

Basketball Wives, Part IV: A Bruised Heart.

I recently go put on blast for not knowing the relationship status of Ian Van Horne. Not only is he dating someone, a source (Ian) said they have actually gone and looked at a house together. Take that for what you want. So since I failed in my journalistic duties, I am here to make things right.

When I first got the idea for the Basketball Wives article, I approached Danny to see the best way going about getting the answers from the ladies. He told me that alot of the guys (including himself) would not feel comfortable with a guy as good looking and charming as me to be emailing back and forth with girlfriend and wives. So I decided just to let the men handle getting the questions answered. The next thing I talked with Danny about is who was dating someone and acquiring the names of the ladies. As I went through and asked Danny, "Is Beas?", "What about B-Mac? He got a little lady?" As someone who is going for a PCTI Blog: Mark Twain award, I should not have depended only on my knowledge and DK's knowledge of people with significant others. I did not take advantage of the creep machine, Facebook. For this I apologize. In hopes to make up to Bruise and his lover, here is the Basketball Wives, Part IV: A Bruised Heart.

In Part I of this series I covered all the single guys in PCTI. I made the mistake of clumping Ian Van Horne into this group. He should have been in Part II with the guys that have not made a life-long commitment to, but still have a woman standing behind them. As you know I have asked 4 questions to all the women of PCTI and I decided to reach out and correct this flaw I had and ask the same questions to Bruiser's favorite lady. As always the questions are first. Followed by her answers in red. [followed by my comments in black and in brackets]:

Allison Bell (Ian's Love Bug)

1. How long have you been with or married to your man? We’ve been together for over a year now. [Can we get a specific date?]

2. What is your current job and company?
I’m a Financial Analyst for a healthcare company named CHS. [So you do their budget?]

3. Who do you think the best player in PCTI is?
Since I haven’t really seen anyone play basketball, I will say Brent Carney. I say this partly because I loved hanging out with him back in the day and partly to make Ian mad. [Great answer. Another great nominee for non basketball skills!]

4. What are your true feelings for PCTI as a whole?
When I first started dating Ian, I thought PCTI wasn’t that big of deal. I now realize PCTI is not just one weekend a year, it is 365 days a year. I think it’s cool that you all stay in touch and get together to relive your glory days, but I don’t really want to hear all the details. And I will say, Ian is pretty good at not talking about it much with me because he knows I start to tune him out. However, last night I took him out for his birthday dinner and when we got home, he put in one of the old tapes to watch. I started reading my book, completely ignoring the tv, when I hear “AB! You missed my lay up! Watch it again.” Or “Damn baby! Did you see that shot I just made!? Here let me rewind it so you can see it.” All in all though, PCTI seems pretty harmless and like other wives/girlfriends have said, you all could definitely be doing worse things.

[There it is again. We COULD do worse. The complain about hearing about it then give us this backhanded compliment. Actually, I think this is a call for attention. Guys, they feel left out. Make sure you spend more time talking PCTI with them. Watch more videos. Discuss the roommate draft. Let's get these ladies what they want and let them in on our private club.]

Thanks to AB for the answers. Don't be mad!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Basketball Wives: PCTI Version. Part III

This post could not have come at a better time. This post what may go down as the greatest article to date in PCTI. While the timing is perfect for the upcoming awards, I am not trying to boost votes for me. In fact, there were much better pieces written in my opinion. The reason this one is good is because of the women’s responses which I had no bearing over. Buckle up Russia.
Enough build up. By now you all know what’s happening. Part I, was all about the men who may or may not be in the closet. Part II was featuring the girlfriends of PCTIers and some of their thoughts. Part III is a glimpse into the future for anyone planning on getting married one day. Please send this link to your loved ones. Here are the four questions I asked. Wives’ answers in red. (Husband’s notes, if any, in green and parentheses) [my take, if any in brackets]:
1. How long have you been with or married to your man?
2. What is your current job and company?
3. Who do you think the best player in PCTI is?
4. What are your true feelings for PCTI as a whole?
**I want to thank all the women that took time out of their day to vent. Also, feel free to be a guest on the blog anytime.**
Jennifer Sabin
[Quick note, this is bone chilling, and Jeff was kind enough to weasel answers out of Jennifer as she did not want to complete the survey.]
1. How long have you been with or married to your man? (Jennifer Sabin and I have been married for 12 years. 10 great, 2 tough.)
2. What is your current job and company? (She works for Tenet Health Care, a Fortune 500 company in Frisco. She is a manager of a billing department.) [Jeff being a banker and her here, we now know how they can buy a house specifically for hosting PCTI]
3. Who do you think the best player in PCTI is? (The best player in her opinion is definitely not me since she criticizes my church tournament performances when I score 41 points. Since she only knows of you, DK, and Joe, she would pick DK because he was polite to her the time they met.) [#humblebrag. Another vote for DK for something not related to basketball at all! Seems to be reoccurring theme for TLFTK]
4. What are your true feelings for PCTI as a whole? Word for word on the last question: “I really don’t have time to give answers to a fake blog for men who take themselves way too seriously by pretending they are ESPN analysts or who are living out some kind of glorified version of their hobby. ‘Who do you think the best player in PCTI is?’ Come on. That’s like saying you’re the biggest goldfish at Bob’s Pet Shop. It doesn’t make you a shark.” (And that is why I love my woman. Just be glad she is not blogging…you think I’m tough? Shhhhhhhheeeeeeeeet.) [First off, it’s not a fake blog! … At least she called us men… so running races is not glorified version of just running? BURN!... And with that I am truly hurt. No wonder Jeff bullies us on the boards, he gets bullied at home for PCTI. Let’s move on.]
Carrie Hopkins
1. How long have you been with or married to your man? 10 months married/together for almost 5 years,,,right? [I guess she’s confirming with me?]
2. What is job and company? I work in Marketing & admissions for a private boarding school in France for SFYI [Overseas balla]
3. Who do you think the best player in PCTI is? Sabin all the way....Go Joseph Smith! [Mormons for all the uneducated in world religion reading this. Also, AND 1 is her favorite basketball clothing line.]
4. What are your true feelings for PCTI as a whole? As of right now I enjoy PCTI. I like hearing about all the drama and excitement of the weekend. There are a few guys that I could do without but for the most part I like hearing about it. The draft is a good (except this year taking Anthony so late) and there needs to be some way to not having one team so stacked like this year. User error I'm sure by the captain. The podcasts that I have heard are hilarious and I'm sure the blog is as well. I'm not privy to that information. I get a kick out of Anthony on the phone with Danny. They both go into their phone voices and it’s like they are on a conference call working out a multi-million dollar deal.
....DISCLAIMER: My feelings as a female/wife about this weekend. Yes, this weekend is ridiculous and our men spend way too much time and money in preparation for it: But, for a guy’s weekend, PTCI is a good choice. They are working out, icing their knees, eating, sleeping 4 deep and grabbing some beers. Things could be a lot worse. Maybe I enjoy it more because Anthony includes me in some of it and I know a few of the guys?? This way I can follow what's going on and talk to him about it....Granted, I may not feel this way 5 years down the road when Anthony leaves me in labor at the hospital and says "you have my mom...good luck!" [No reason for this disclaimer. Not sure how she was answering before since her disclaimer is as a female/wife??]
Kelsey Krow
1. How long have you been with or married to your man? Been together 4 years (I think), Married 9 months. [copy cats]
2. What is your current job and company? Graduate Academic Advisor at The Academy of Art University
3. Who do you think the best player in PCTI is? Josh Pitto (Duh) (I’m her least favorite player. Guaranteed.) [Danny sent his comment before she did. Also, another use of duh... and sarcasm.]
4. What are your true feelings for PCTI as a whole? Feeling words that come to mind: Annoying, Pathetic. If I have to hear one more word about PCTI (by the way-WORST NAME EVER) I might kill someone. I literally went off on Danny the other day when I heard him over the phone already talking about where you guys are going to go next year. The fact that I have to hear this shit year round is completely unacceptable. Between the blog, the hour long talks, the weekly podcasts and the overall drama, I honestly feel bad for all of the wives/girlfriends. At first I thought that this was going to be a nice once a year sort of thing to get him out of the house and leave me alone, but it has just become ridiculous. "No, Danny I don't want to hear about all of the catty little fights you girls have or who you are rooming with, and I definitely don't want to sit down with you and watch game film." Oh and I love hearing how he isn't going to the gym so he can give me something good to look at, he's going because he is on a regiment for PCTI (WTF)? You all may be thinking I am being too harsh but until us wives/girlfriends get together and figure out a way to torture you as much as you have tortured us, the truth will have to suffice. [And with that, we have our first girl cursing. A great breakdown how much Danny is immersed in PCTI. See girlfriends, this is how you express your “true” feelings about PCTI (best name EVAH)]
Courtney Donley
1. How long have you been with or married to your man?
I have been with The Scott Donley for almost six years and we have been happily married for three of those years. I think it is important for me to point out that no one has seen his game evolve more than this girl. In fact, much of his success in basketball, and as an athlete in general, has been because of me. I have attended every (local) pick-up basketball game, worked with him on his ball handling skills, and coached him on his jump shot. You’re welcome. [Fantastic start]
2. What is your current job and company?
I am a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh where I am working on my Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health. I trust that I will have plenty of expertise in working with delusional athletes who just can't hang it up. [I would take this as an insult had she not ruled us all out by using the word “athletes.”]
3. Who do you think the best player in PCTI is?
I don’t suppose you think this is a hard question, do you? No contest. Scotty-My-Hottie-Donley. For those of you who were not at our wedding, my dad’s toast actually talked about Scotty’s basketball skills. It wasn’t Scotty’s charm, ambition, or his love for me that won my father over. Oh no, it was his game. In the toast I believe my dad’s exact words were, “What really impressed me about Scott was when I had the chance to come up to Wisconsin and watch him play basketball.” Of course, the hysterical laughter from D. Krow and Bruiser is heard loud and clear on the video, but my father stands by his word. Actually, after he saw Scotty play he said to me, “That Scott is a great athlete. He was pullin out NBA moves.” Mind you, my poor father hasn’t watched an NBA game since 1989, maybe 1990, but you know Scotty was soakin it up. [I will not be calling Donley, Scotty-My-Hottie. I guess my invite got “lost in the mail.” Thanks alot Courtney.]
4. What are your true feelings for PCTI as a whole?
My true feelings, huh? [Oh boy. Everyone go to the bathroom and get a snack now] Well, now that I have gotten all the deep sighs and eye rolling out of the way, here we go. Scotty told me a little over a year ago that D. Krow and Bruiser had asked him to participate in some basketball tournament in Kentucky. My response was, “Whatever. Go do your thing.” Then it pretty much slipped my mind, and we didn’t talk about it much after that. He went and played in this weekend long tournament, and had I known that our lives would have changed drastically upon his return, maybe I would have braced myself a little more for what was to come.
First came the stories. Because a tornado was sweeping through our neighborhood the night when Scotty got back, we spent the entire night in the basement. We had no power, no radio, and the computer was losing its juice. So for entertainment, Scotty took it upon himself to go through the play-by-play of all five games (But weren’t there more than five?). I remember thinking to myself, “Okay, let him get this out of his system and then I will never have to hear about this PICT, no, PTIC…whatever it’s called…thing again.” I was wrong.
Next came the videos. It was a Friday and we had planned on enjoying a nice relaxing evening with dinner and a movie. He offered to pick the movie. Do you know what the movie was? F’ing Game 1 and Game 2. I’m clinching my teeth right now just thinking about it. I remember trying my hardest to be a good sport, but that all went out the window when he whipped out Game 3 first thing the next morning. It’s safe to say that 11 months ago, I’d pretty much had my fill. But at the time I had thought to myself, “Okay, okay. He’s just excited because he got the videos and now he’s just reliving the weekend. This has got to be coming to an end soon.” Nope.
You can only imagine what it’s been like since then. Dinner conversations revolve around PCTI (I’ve got the acronym down by now because I hear it every damn day). Work schedules are compromised and weekend plans are put on hold so that he can respond to blog posts, be involved in pod-casts, draft for a fucking roommate, and listen to which song fits him as a player. I mean, really? Can’t you boys give it a rest? It’s as if y’all think your good at basketball or something (Remember, I’ve seen the videos).
HOWEVER, I suppose there are worse things he could be doing with his time then preparing for a basketball tournament with a bunch of washed up athletes who believe that their basketball strategies and insights mean anything what-so-ever. But seriously, this year’s tournament hasn’t even happened yet and you fools are already preparing for the location for 2013. Oh yeah, and that pitch that Scotty presented to have it hosted in Cincinnati? He decided it would be a good idea to work on that during one of our weekly date the restaurant! And now you have the nerve to ask me about my true feelings for PCTI. The year that the wives/significant others decide to band together and have our own weekend get-away filled with heavy drinking and heavy money-spending, well, maybe then my bitterness with ease a little bit. But until then, I can't control the shiver that runs down my spine every time I hear the letters P-C-T-I. [And with that we moved from PG-13 to rated R. The running theme seems to be “we could be doing worse things,” which I challenge each of us to figure out what that is. Also, how many more years until they start a PCTI support group? Guys NEVER let these women get a hold of each other’s email addresses.]

**This post was edited., seriously.

Friends, rodents, brethren, lend me your rears,

Before I get started, please note that I understand it is a kind of a long shot. All I am asking from everyone is to give me a chance and really take a second to consider what follows.

Before I kick this thing off, allow me to blow your fucking minds...please see #25 in the following link:

BW, Bambi, AHOP, my Bestie, and the rest of you music and artsy fairies, Chattanooga has become the hipster capital of the world. If you read the article thoroughly, you'll notice that the pinnacle is in April (which, you guessed it, ironically is when PCTI tends to traditionally fall). There will be a ton going on with all that. Bars will be poppin' and panties will droppin'.


There are pros and cons to the logistics of having PCTI IV in Chatty. Our airport is pretty small and you will most likely have to connect if you decide to fly in. I don't really have a valid rebuke to that, except: quit crying.

Obviously, Chattanooga is a short, scenic 2-hour shot down I-24 for you Nashville boys so I shouldn't have to sell this to you...but I will. I don't get paid in raccoon pelts like the rest of you homos, but not having to pay for a flight should be a no-brainer.

Nightlife/Downtown scene:

I have lived here for over 3 years now and live right in the middle of downtown. I know all the best bars and restaurants. Bruiser, Ca$h, Abe, all you boys who love to eat and drink and have your fun, here are a few links to some cool bars and great restaurants:

Just kidding, here are the real links:

Champy's is one of my favorite spots, its a blues bar that serves diesel ass fried chicken and 40 oz. bottles. There's quite a few spots that aren't on these lists, but it's a pretty good idea of some of the places to go.


I have several gyms that we can use. One of my good buddies dad is the AD of Chattanooga Central High School here in Chatty and has already given us the go ahead. There are several other gyms in the area that I play pick up games at. Finding a gym will not be an issue.

Refs/Stats/camera crew: I have no really looked into lining that up yet, but I know enough people in this town by now that it will not be an issue either.

Here is my final point: I know some of you really want to travel long distances, go to exotic, bigger cities and all that. However, it has been brought up before that we never really even get out that much and sight see around the city. This weekend is about the BASKETBALL. Chattanooga provides more than enough entertainment by way of bars, restaurants, nightclubs, etc. for everyone. It is in a great location (especially for the Nashville guys). I have lived here for long enough and have enough contacts in the city by now to line everything up. As I said before, everyone knows that this weekend is about the basketball more than anything. If that truly is the case, we should seriously consider bringing PCTI IV to the Scenic City.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

PCTI III Itinerary

PCTI III Itinerary

April 6-8, 2012

Dallas, TX

Wednesday, April 4th:

· 1:10pm: Danny “Ca$h” Krow arrives, DFW Airport.

· 2:20pm: Ian “The Bruiser” Van Horne arrives, DFW Airport.

· 2:20pm: Josh “The Gnat” Pitto and “Bad” Brian Eskildsen arrive, Dallas Love Field.

· 2:30pm: Sabin Airport pickup-Krow and Van Horne.

· 3:15pm: Airport Pickup-Pitto and Eskildsen.

· 6:00pm: Dinner @ Fireside Pies.

· 9:15pm: Tune up game-Sabin pickup basketball.

Thursday, April 5th:

· 7:00am: Krow wakes up Pitto for no reason.

· 8:00am: Deep tissues massage @ Massage Envy (Optional).

· 9:25am: Spotlight arrives, DFW Airport (Sabin pick up late and head to get Abe).

· 10:40am: Abe arrives at Dallas Love Field (Sabin pick up with Spotlight ridin shotty)

· 11:00am: Lunch-Carb load @ Benihana (Krow, Eskildsen, Pitto, Spotlight, Sabin, Bruiser, Abe).

· 2:00pm: Scott Donley arrives, DFW Airport.

· 3:15pm: Big Brent Carney/Ben Wilson arrives, DFW Airport (Krow p/u Donley, Carney, Wilson).

· 3:35pm: “Sir”Anthony Hopkins arrives, Dallas Love Field (No pick-up until later).

· 4:00pm: Check in-Shops at Legacy Marriott, Plano, TX.

· 5:00pm: Michael “The Heart-Break Kid” Beasley arrives, Love Field (Sabin p/u Beasley and Hops).

· 6:00pm: Uncork a bottle of red and watch Krow’s wine glass holding form.

· 6:50pm: “Flyin” Bryan McKinney and Joe Thompson, RN arrive, DFW Airport (Krow p/u).

· 7:30pm: Meet in lobby-Dinner @ Twisted Root Burger Company.

· 9:00pm: Pre-Game Begins.

· 9:40pm: Mike “Smo” Orr and Wes Coast Murray arrive, DFW Airport (P/U van and drive to hotel).

· 10:30pm: Party @ Ringo’s/Ginger Man.

Friday, April 6th:

· 8:00am: Krow wake up call to each room for no reason.

· 9:30am: Optional shoot-around @ 24 Hour Fitness, Plano.

· 10:30am: Meet in lobby. MANDATORY brunch @ Historical Main Street Bistro.

· Noon: Relax.

· 1:00pm: Optional lunch (Recommendations-Potbelly’s/Café Express/Village Burger Bar).

· 2:00pm: Meet in lobby. Make fun of Big Bambi for not having a right hand.

· 2:10pm: Depart Prestonwood.

· 2:30pm: Warm up, shoot-around, head shots, team shots, group shot.

· 3:00pm: GAME 1 TIP OFF.

· 4:00pm: GAME 2 TIP OFF.

· 5:30pm: Arrive hotel (Shower, change, chill).

· 6:25pm: Meet in lobby. Debate who is prettier Beasley, Spotlight, Donley or the underrated Bruise.

· 6:30pm: Depart Sabin’s-Dinner catered from Raising Cane’s, film session, hot tub soak, relax.

· 9:00pm: Head back to hotel. SLEEP.

Saturday, April 7th:

· 9:30am: Meet in lobby-Optional breakfast @ Historical Main Street Bistro.

· 11:15am: Meet in lobby. Off-hand punching contest to see who hits the hardest.

· 11:25am: Depart Prestonwood.


· 1:00pm: GAME 4 TIP OFF.

· 1:30pm: Arrive at hotel-Lunch on own.

· 4:30pm: Meet in lobby. One legged squat contest-First to 3 wins.

· 4:45pm: Depart Dallas Sportsplex.

· 5:30pm: GAME 5 TIP OFF.

· 7:00pm: Arrive @ hotel-Shower/re-hydrate.

· 8:05pm: Meet in lobby. Vote on who will be first back to the hotel room after dinner.

· 8:10pm: Depart by foot-Dinner @ Gordon Biersch Brewery (Reservation at 8:30).

· 10:00pm: Disperse to either hotel or bar.

Sunday, April 8th:

· 9:30am: Meet in lobby-Breakfast (Optional).

· 11:00am: Meet in lobby. Everyone tell Ca$h how good the breakfast spot is.

· 11:10am: Depart Dallas Sportsplex.


· 1:00pm: GAME 7 TIP OFF.

· 1:30pm: Head to hotel-Shower, change, check out.

· 2:30pm: Meet in lobby. Listen to Wes complain about not getting home until 11:45pm.

· 2:35pm: Depart to airport (Sabin taking Love Field group/Smo taking DFW).

I will get everyone a separate sheet with everyone’s number.

Food (Breakfast):

· Main Street Bistro (Walk out of the hotel, turn left and it’s on the main strip on the right)-The infamous breakfast spot that Hopkins, Krow, Sabin and Thompson used to have their PCTI 1 board meetings. It was also the place Krow met Kelsey for the first time (Cute), and also the place of their engagement (Even cuter). Renowned for their Beef Tenderloin Breakfast Tacos, Omelets, high quality feta cheese, breakfast potatoes and baguettes, along with the most expensive yet freshly squeezed orange juice in the world. I push this place on anyone and everyone, and thus far have received positive reviews from Thompson, Hopkins, Sabin, Bruiser, McKinney and Beasley. I look forward to adding to that total. Anyone that wants breakfast over the weekend find me, I will be going to this spot. For a real good laugh and old time’s sake, I dare someone to steal a piece of Bruiser’s bacon (It will be worth it I promise).

· Marriott-DO NOT EAT THEIR BREAKFAST. It’s more expensive and not nearly as good.

Food (Lunch):

· Café Express (Turn left out of the hotel, walk up the strip, turn left before the light, on the left)-All-purpose spot with healthy alternatives. Everything from pasta, meat, sandwiches, veggies and soups. Good spot for a pre-game meal and relatively priced for the quality ($7-$11 range).

· Potbelly’s (Left out of hotel, walk straight through the strip, cross the street at the light)-A much better version of what the Nashville folk likes to call Jimmy John’s. Typical sandwich/chips shop with quality meats. Outrageously popular.

· Village Burger Bar (Left out of hotel, straight through strip, take a right in front of Mi Cocina at end of strip, on the right)-Exactly what you would expect. “Trendy” hamburger shop with a cool name.

· Taco Diner (Left out of hotel, walk up strip, on the left)-Pretty expensive but a lot of people demand Mexican when they go to Texas. The unorthodox comment about this place is that they have the best cheeseburger I’ve ever had in my life (I ordered it to piss my Mom off and make a statement-That was the last time she tried to bring me to a Mexican spot). Locals LOVE this place because they think it’s trendy, a word I would describe no one but Spotlight as being in PCTI.

Food (Dinner):

· Fireside Pies (Wednesday Night)-My favorite pizza restaurant in the country. Quality everything, their Meatball Pizza is not only my favorite pizza, but their meatballs are some of the best I’ve ever had (I’ve had a lot). Problem is that it’s not a good spot for big groups, so it will only be enjoyed by the man with the world’s most sophisticated pallet, Josh Pitto.

· Twisted Root Burger Company (Thursday Night)-I encourage someone to look up this spots website. I didn’t think I could ever fall in love with a burger joint, but this one hooked me. Unique, cool setting and style in a good spot. I’ve never eaten here, but it will be a good, quick and easy spot that we can grab some grub and get back to drinking at the hotel.

· Raisin’ Cane’s (Friday Night)-My favorite two nights of the year are Friday and Saturday night dinners because I know the more I eat, the better. Fast food aficionado Joe Thompson has been talking about this place since we started playing in the Plano Sports Authority Little League together in 1990. Cane’s is your classic Chicken Finger and Fry spot that prides itself on their special sauce. However, what I like about Cane’s is that they don’t stop there. They have outrageously good marketing. Their website is very visually appealing and they have a fantastic symbol to back up what apparently is some of the best fried chicken in the country.

· Gordon Biersch Brewery (Official Team Dinner-Saturday Night)-One of the best sports bars I’ve ever been to from a food quality perspective, GB will officially be our team dinner spot Saturday night. Many of you probably have seen or heard of this spot, but they are typically at airports with a small menu. GB stand out meal is the Pecan Crusted Chicken, but offers quite a bit of high quality pasta dishes. KEY CALL OUT-They pump their garlic fries like no other. Somehow, they managed to screw that up as the fries are outrageously garlicky and not that good. It’s not even close to worth the 14 hour commitment to having it on your breath. I know someone will defy my opinion, and I look forward to laughing at them when they do.

Notable Spots:

· C-Store: Take a left out of the hotel and walk up the strip, then take your first right. It’s on the left. You can find your beer and wine there.

· Marble Slap Creamery: After a lot of hoops in a really hot city, some might crave a little calcium. Walk out the hotel and take a left, it’s literally steps from the hotel.

**Note-Hold driving to Sabin’s and the games, everything is within walking distance.


· We will have three refs for all 7 games.


· Deuce Hite will be joining us again for the whole weekend. One thing we all should focus on this year is interviewing each other for the camera before/after the game. Remember, as corny as it sounds, we do all these things to make it feel like we are professional basketball players. What does the NBA do? When a player has a good half, interview him. Whoever was the best player in a game for the winning team was, interview them. More interviews=More fun to watch=Better bang for our buck.


· Thad Felton will be joining us on Day 1. He is a sports photographer in the Plano area. Clearly, one of PCTI’s Achilles heels is picture taking. We walk out of every year with one team pic and a few head shots. This year, we will be experimenting with a photographer. He will take quality head, team and group shots, along with a bunch of action shots. There is no one in this that does not like looking at themselves, so I can’t imagine this not being a good addition, even if it’s only an every few years thing. This will be especially crucial with the emergence of the blog.


· Smo got us set up with a van to give us a true team camp feel. It holds 18 passengers and is worth the money to watch Smo’s swag when he drives it.

Stat Keepers:

· There is virtually no chance we form the same relationship with these people that we did WL Stats, but the good news is that they have all the same capabilities. These guys are from SMU and do all their games, so I expect them to do a quality job and not miss all my rebounds, assists, steals like WL did.


· Everyone needs to sign up for paypal (as we are in 2012 and no cash or checks should ever be needed) and we will give instructions later this week as to how we will break out the money. Be looking for price breakdown and those instructions later this week.


Room List:

1. “The Socialites”-Joe Thompson, Bryan McKinney and Josh Pitto.

2. “Mind, Body and Soul”-Spotlight, Scott Donley, Josh Stephens.

3. “Department of Defense”-Michael Orr, Brian Eskildsen, Wes Murray.

4. “The Board Room”-Ben Wilson, Anthony Hopkins, Danny Krow.

5. “The War Room”-Ian Van Horne, Michael Beasley, Big Bambi.


· Voting-For the new guy’s, this is how the voting works-Hops will send you an email the week after PCTI. You will vote for a MVP, DMVP, 3 All-Tournament Team Selections, and the Sissy Award. He will then reveal via the blog once the totals are complete.

· Video Distribution-The last two years our system has been flawed. I will collect everyone’s addresses and have Deuce send to each guy once complete. The timing takes about a month for him to polish off.

Eight pages later, I’m finally finished. Hopefully, everyone made it this far and is as hyped as I am for this thing.


Dan “The Boy” Krow