Tuesday, September 24, 2013

PCTIIIIII Vidstick #1

PCTIIIIII Kick-Off Party with a couple important announcements.


The Nature Boy is making a move from the mountains of California, to the greenest city in the USA, Portland, OR.  What is even more fitting is that I will be selling one of nature's most lucrative fruits, tomatoes.  Lipman is the largest field tomato grower in North America.   Although I will be based out of Portland; I will be spending a significant amount of time in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC as well.  All fabulous spots for enjoying NAITCH.

What this means for PCTI:

  1. I have heard that there are a plethora of gymnasiums filled with semi-athletic white boys.  This should bode well for PCTI IIIIIIII prep. 
  2. Southwest flies direct to Denver.  The flight looks to be a little over 2 hrs and fairly cheap.  Thank GOD that PCTI didn't end up in dusty ass Chatty, or the murder capital Cincy.
  3. Hops can come and truly enjoy his hipster swag in the hipster mecca.
  4. DTOMFS and Naitch's rivalry will heat up not only in the realm of PCTI, but also professionally.
  5. Every time Wes-Fil-A munches down on bag full of double-stacks at Wendy's he can think of Naitch.  Lipman is a major supplier of Wendy's tomatoes.
  6. I will remain on Best Coast Time.  This will make it more convenient for the star of Talents Web Series, McKinney, and myself to enjoy our first phone call whenever that may be.
  7. Only downside is that I am still far, far away from the SpotLight.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I'm not sure what took Ben so long to get this up on the blog so I guess I'll have to do it for him.