Sunday, July 10, 2022

PCTI12 Official Statement

Fellas: There's usually one day every year that I spend the majority of the day thinking about all things PCTI, and today was it.

It typically starts with a casual watch of Project X as some background noise, followed by thinking about every individual guy still standing, then into an emotional spiral about how important it is to me.

Last year came with all sorts of uncertainty, and we can all agree that we were unsure of the future... Like we always do, we rallied around each other, supported each other, and had a PCTI for the ages.... During a time where things like this were crumbling, we came out of it stronger than ever... I can promise that wasn't a coincidence.

Every year we get older, our kids get older, and our responsibilities get more exhausting... The idea of taking five days away and getting into great shape turns into a chore because everyone is sooooo busy and there's no time for anything!  It happens to all of us and none are immune to it... 

I say all that to reinforce the importance of the groundwork we laid in the past, enjoying what we have now, and what we have in the future to look forward to.  Anyone can say they have friends, but very few men have the ability to say they belong to a tribe... And we are very lucky to be able to say that.  It takes effort, initiative and commitment, but it's ALWAYS delivered for us... It's good for a man's soul.  It filters into all aspects of our lives and brings out the best in us.  Let's make sure we never lose sight of that.


  • Need to Belong: Belonging to a group helps shape a man's identity.
  • Purpose: Having a shared passion centered around friendship, competition, an activity we have given countless hours to since we were children, fun, and fitness connects so many important aspects of life.  
  • Support: When shit hits the fan, we have each others backs in ways that far exceed normal friendships.

We are officially about 45 days out (RIP countdown calculator)... If you haven't started training, the time to start is NOW.  If you're not feeling it, just remember the thought that every one of us inevitably have at the end of every year - "I wish I was more prepared."  Don't do it to yourself again.  Get a workout in... Go for a run... Dribble a ball... Do some pushups... Whatever it is, bring your best self that you can bring.  You have time but don't keep putting it off - You will regret it.

Can't wait for another round of going to war with you guys, loving you guys, and showcasing my appreciation for PCTI by pouring disgusting poison down my throat and making myself miserable because of it.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."