Friday, May 24, 2019

Guy by Guy Cap Stick Money

Every year around this time I get excited to see everyone... That goes away real quick once everyone gets together and I see the cool guys doing their thing, but for now, I'm looking forward to it. 

The chat tonight has me even more amped. 

At the moment, below is what I look forward to with each guy... As you all know, I have a tendency to write things that don't make sense, and am too lazy to proofread, so apologies in advance.

  • TP: Recovery.
    • I was a closet fan of TP from the get go, not because of his ability to drink, but his dedication to recovery hacks and love for hoops... When I found out he was a fellow Scorpio, I was on board even more.  We both have united over recovery, and have a bit of a competition going on over who can bring the most cutting edge equipment.
  • Ben: PCTI's Actual Historian.
    • People will give Sabin the title, but Ben is an OG who remembers EVERYTHING from the past.  I genuinely look forward to whatever tiny detail he reminds us of every year, and will never forget his dominance over the first trivia session.
  • The Beast: Cry Boy.
    • Over the years, Beast has generated a well deserved reputation as a cry baby... What you never know is where it will take place between the court, or Saturday night dinner.  With PCTI's 10 year anniversary video looming, I expect water works from PCTI's toughest dude.
  • Juice: Identity Crisis.
    • Juice and I get more than enough of each other so there's nothing on that front I look forward to... What I am excited about is watching him jump from Cool to Nerd (whatever is convenient for him at the moment), and when both groups decide to turn him away, leaving him on an island alone.
  • Abe: Everything.
    • Man I love this dude... Always have.  Always will.  I look forward to hanging with him, and recently found out I have a meeting in Denver the Monday after PCTI, so I'll be able to carry on the good times.
  • Spotlight: Packing Fail.
    • I love the big brother little brother roleplay that Spot and I have going on.  He's the voice of reason, even-tempered, well cultured guy that keeps me in check, and I'm the guy that has to pick up the pieces for how much of a train wreck he is when it comes to organization.  I've provided him his jersey's the last two (maybe three) years, and I expect this one to go the same way.
  • Donley: Verbal Assaulting Himself on the Court.
    • No one, and I mean no one has talked more on the court since they started, without saying a word to anyone but themselves.  If you get a chance to guard him, try and focus on listening to what he has to say to himself.  For as much as he loves Donley the businessman, he equally hates Donley the basketball player... It's a thing of beauty.
  • Beas: Wisecracks.
    • As much as he agitates me, I can't help but to love whatever little wisecracks he delivers towards someone else.  Between running straight into the Beast and "Wooing" last year, to humping Smo when he was hunting for a loose ball the year before, he always delivers some form of animation.
  • Actor: Making Him A Celebrity.
    • This weekend will be a disappointment if we don't work as a team to ensure PCTIX puts Actor on the LA map as a true actor in every sense of the word.  I equally hope that he makes out for the 12th straight night of PCTI.
  • Kyle: Talking Hoops.
    • Through the easiest rivalry I've ever partaken in (I rumble with all Capricorns), I've genuinely loved talking hoops with Kyle, and appreciate that he loves the game the way I do... Him and I have been breaking the squads down since the draft, and expect a lot more of that over the weekend.
  • Smooth: Overconfidence.
    • Smooth is always good for a moment over the weekend where he gets hyped over making a shot (usually when the rest of the team is down) and expects everyone else on his team to be as excited as he is.  He starts jawing (no matter what the score is), and will play well for that time frame, but will talk his way into exhaustion and have to be carried off the court.  It's not quite as funny when you're on his team, but still enjoyable after the fact.
  • Smo: Nothing.
  • Sabin: Excitement.
    • I live for talking PCTI with Sabin.  The before, during and after discussions are the best times of my year, and getting another year's worth of material to discuss is something I can't wait for.  
  • Deuce: Attendance.
    • Every year this goes on, I have grown to appreciate Deuce even more.  The fact that he started with us from the beginning is amazing in itself... Then kept coming back on a salary around $2/hour (his raise around PCTI5 has it up to $3)... Sabin said it years ago and it's true, there is no more important part of PCTI, and if he goes, the entire thing goes down with him.
  • Hops: Wine Night.
    • A few years ago, Hops and I started enjoying hoops talk over some red wine... We would sit back and watch the group come together, observe new guys ingratiating with the group, and discussing the weekend... It was great, and I desire it.  The problem is I no longer drink wine, and have converted to tequila, so I'm hoping he can take one more for the team and mold to what I want, since I have an issue with being flexible.  
  • Sticky: Itinerary Talk.
    • This doesn't get old for me... It's turned into a character, but I love it mainly because it genuinely bothers him when the plan isn't followed.  A close second is seeing how excited he gets to break down the film session, and anytime he does anything wrong, whatever comment he throws out about how much harder he's going to work next offseason.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

PCTI Questionnaire 2019 (Part II)

Here is part 2!

When did you join PCTI? Been there since the beginning, a Real OG
What has been your favorite PCTI? Tough one….Scottsdale, AZ
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Waking up to some freshly squeezed juice….Thanks Juice Mon
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI?
For me, it’s the overall experience that PCTI provides….Friendship/Brotherhood.  I believe that we all pick up where we all left off last, even if we haven’t been in touch.  We build upon the memories we’ve formed over the years, even if we don’t talk often.  I hope that we all understand that, no matter what the situation may present, that one could reach out to any one in this group and they’d step up…..Deep thoughts……
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? San Diego with the bottle service
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? Insuring that this annual event continues for a lifetime.
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Providenciales – Turks & Caicos

When did you join PCTI? Numero Uno
What has been your favorite PCTI? Tough. Lexington (1), San Diego and Cincy are close for me. Would probably go with SD. 
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Being able to watch the games the night after we play and make fun of ourselves. 
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? When Abe, BC and I bonded over space/sci fi stuff and watched Event Horizon. The River Float. The Squeeze. 
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? Scottsdale 
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? Nothing comes to mind at the moment. 
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Tampa. Go hit up Bush Gardens.

When did you join PCTI? 2009
What has been your favorite PCTI? San Diego
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Deuce
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? Surprisingly no one really farts around each other. Very classy assholes here.
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? San Diego overall. My Mexican dinner in Portland with a crew of 6 was pretty amazing. 
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? Best of 5.
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Seattle, NY, Chicago, Miami, Nola, MEMPHIS

When did you join PCTI? OG BRAH
What has been your favorite PCTI? Cincy bc of the competitiveness of the series and the best gym we’ve played in IMO. 
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Being able to play back the days previous games instantly to always have on in the background of hangs
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? the Kittens fiasco, the stats team from Lexington, Minny lake day, the tribute video in Portland, the morning squeeze were five that just came to me
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? Portland
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? Hard to improve perfection, but I wish more attention was paid to the gyms we play in. Feel like we could be consistently better. 
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? I always liked the Charleston idea. Or Toronto. 

When did you join PCTI? PCTI I #OGStatus
What has been your favorite PCTI? Cincinnati - the basketball was super competitive for the first time in a few years. Getting everyone under one roof was great and we took a big step towards getting our "final roster" by adding a few new guys. The off court activity was solid with the float on the river being one of our better outings. Plus, a near death experience on the highway makes for a good story.
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Assuming you don't mean Deuce...Do the extra days count? More time together, more time for the body to recover. It's the only way this thing could have survived as we all get older. 
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? The friendships are great but for me the first thought of PCTI is still the hoops. It's so nice to compete for a few days each year. 
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? I need to do a better job seeing the cities, I'm always so tired. I thought Dallas/Plano was my favorite - I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything being too tired to think or function and just wanting to eat or drink at the first nearest spot. Suburbia is built for that and Plano is a solid suburb. 
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? I wish there was a way to consistently have in-game stats. The few times we've had those they've been very useful and make for good convo. 
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? To me the city is secondary to the housing...I think we should look for the best rental we can find amenity wise and then plan PCTI around that, no matter where it is. A true mansion with a pool would be awesome. 
When did you join PCTI? I’m a day 1 PCTI member. First PCTI was 1 in Lexington. I think at the time I only knew Dan, Hops, and JT.
What has been your favorite PCTI? Favorite PCTI was a tie between II and VII. II because it was the beginning of my heel turn villainy, plus it was an underrated, super-competitive series. VII because it was the redemption of my PCTI career after having been lost in the Huff wilderness for 2 years. Plus, super competitive series as well.
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Best addition to PCTI has been the ability to have videos on demand at YouTube. Allows for easy viewing and reference to previous events. Keeps it fresh and alive.
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? For me, one of the more memorable personal moments was receiving a birthday cake from the group in Cincinnati on my 40th birthday. I felt like I had been re-integrated into the brotherhood and my character arc had come full circle. It was also very gratifying to win my first PCTI in San Diego. Sounds silly that it took 8 years, but it was like a deep inhale after being under water for so long
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? Favorite city was San Diego. What’s not to like? Weather, hot chicks, best team I played for...
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? PCTI would be improved by allowing some guys to be captain that haven’t had a chance yet. Would be cool to see Biz, Spot, Don, Bruise, etc... get their chance to build a team and have fun with it
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? A cool city would be Austin, TX. Food, facilities, fun.

When did you join PCTI? One of the OG7
What has been your favorite PCTI? Cincy… the games were intense and close, added some new key guys, cool city, the float… but having everyone stay in a house for the first time really took it to another level.
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Even though it was from the beginning, getting these on video is my favorite. Not only can we look back and relive some of these great moments, we also get Deuce at every PCTI.
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? Too many to count but Sabin’s speech in Cincy was incredible. The OG vid watch sesh before PCTI II getting drunk off wine and chasing Reuben (RIP). Spotlight falling in love his first PCTI with Angaleeee. DK’s video he showed in Portland. Cramp game.
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? Portland – incredible city, great food, plus all that #nature!
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? 2 things… 1) pay for the stat keepers from Lexington to join us every year. (I know it’s not realistic, but I can dream!) 2) Improve referees – one idea I’ve had is to reach out to the state’s high school association and see if there’s anything we could do together for a win win situation. This is a half-baked idea.
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Dickson, TN…. HAHA Still got it! For real, Vancouver or Toronto

When did you join PCTI?  OG.... Til death do us part.  
What has been your favorite PCTI? Hoops: Cincy - Fun: SD.
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI?  Having everyone in the same house.
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? Abe (PCTI1) saying "I can't believe we are really doing this" will be a tough act to follow... The other most memorable for me was PCTI surviving Denver due to the circumstances (Sabin and Donley getting injured a month before, Skillz taking a new job and bailing, Pitto just bailing, me going through a miserable time and Abe's work on ).  That was PCTI's transition year.  I still credit Ben for keeping the group together during this time, which is why his lack of engagement these days destroys me daily.  
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city?  Scottsdale.  
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI?  The answer is yes, I just don't know what it is at the moment... Once I do, I'll make sure it gets done.  All that said, a few roster tweaks would hit the spot, but that's out of my control.  
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI?  Des Moines, Iowa.

When did you join PCTI? PCTIOG
What has been your favorite PCTI? Plano - That was the year I could see the staying power. The lead up was probably the best of any year with the introduction of the blog and podcast (RIP) and the engagement was at it's peak. I was the captain of the team that swept so afterward I was riding high from that. Joe got a handy. Plano was a nice surprise and it was the first "out of town" experience for us. Beas and Spot came on board. So many good things about that year...
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Hands down the bottle service night in SD. A night I will never forget although a lot of it is pretty fuzzy. Seeing Sabin let loose and show his "wild" side was worth every penny of the 2 bottles we ordered at 3am and left for the Help
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI?
Lex 1 - One of the most epicly fun nights I've ever had with Ahop, a solid 15 minutes of sleep before day 2 after 4 games the day prior (oh to be young again), the BLUE, the stat keepers being super cool, and of course the infamous cramp game
Lex 2 - Beerman's gf not looking up from her phone a single time over the course of 3 days
Plano - Smoking American Spirits with Spot on a balcony, Angeleeeeeee, sweeping
Scottsdale - The most beautiful people I've ever seen in one place, the golf carts, Dan on the links, hot tubbing with the bros, was this the first year of the Smo van? If so, that 
Denver - n/a
Portland - Nature hike, the foreshadowing of Wes standing alone in that group pic, my introduction into the wonderful world of food truck villages
Cincy - The myriad of vacant/abandoned buildings around town, bonding with the Stickman over weed, nature, and his love of outer space
San Diego - Zoo day was splendid, the house was dope af, Deuce grilling up meat and Juice juicing, the second floor Slay Bungalow, waking up 40 minutes before departure and somehow miraculously making my flight
Minny - Bottle service amongst an entire club of rolling 18 year olds, Act working his Hollywood magic to get a large number of dudes in da club the previous night, watching two fat black chicks grind on him and then one pulling out her massive titties (probably my second favorite PCTI memory)
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? San Diego
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? Add an extra day
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Miami for a Christmas PCTI

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

PCTI Questionnaire 2019 (Part I)

Thanks to everyone for your response. I really enjoyed these. Also, I'm definitely not posting the response to saying something nice about Dan because he is the WORST... Here is part 1 which includes everyone that joined PCTI after year 1:

When did you join PCTI? 2018
What has been your favorite PCTI? Minny duh
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? N/A
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? Not speaking to Dan the entire lake trip in Minny
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? Minny duh
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? could have added me sooner
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Vegas

When did you join PCTI? Joined in 2017
What has been your favorite PCTI? San Diego
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Bottle Service
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? BC getting drugged, Dan getting a random morning blow job
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city?  San Diego
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI?  Make sure the gyms is legit. We fly all the way out there and have a great time but the hoops is still the focus. So the facility I would like to have a great place to play and the rest we can figure out from there.
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI?  Orlando!!

When did you join PCTI? My first year of PCTI was VII in Cincinnati.
What has been your favorite PCTI? So far PCTI VIII in SD has been my favorite.  
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? I could be wrong about this, but I think before VII not everyone got into the city on Wed.  I enjoy the Wed evening gatherings and think that it is a good addition.
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? Everytime I’m on the airplane is very memorable and enjoyable for me.  I like the calmness of flying and being able to think about the upcoming hoops.  A single event would be the float trip in Cincinnati.    
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? Favorite city would be Minneapolis.  I’ve never been there and thought it was a well rounded city and the night life scene was different and fun.  Also my future wife lives there.  
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? It would be a tall order for Deuce, but I would think camera time off the court at the AirBnB before and after games would provide some hilarious and interesting memories.  
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Miami (never been to a Florida beach).
When did you join PCTI?
What has been your favorite PCTI?
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Have there been any sense I’ve joined? I love the one big activity - zoo - river float - boats. 
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? Ben - double calf cramp - might as well of drowned  his dog. The most defeated look I’ve maybe ever seen. 
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? SD! Granted my other two choices are cincy and minni lol 
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? As swanky as the radisson red is...would be dope to have enough room for everyone. Would def prefer to shell out a little more money and all be able to be in the same room without knowing who brushed their teeth and who didn’t.. 
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Austin 

When did you join PCTI? Plano
What has been your favorite PCTI? SD
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? SPLITTY
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? FINAL NIGHT PCTI SD
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? SD
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? YES
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? SEATTLE

When did you join PCTI? For III, whatever year that was. I'm never forgetting the slight that I wasn't invited from the beginning.
What has been your favorite PCTI? Super tough Q, I think Scottsdale had the most all-around awesomeness to it, from food to nightlife to basketball. 
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? This is a tie between nature excursions (waterfalls, floats, boats, beaches, etc.) #tyBeas and the increasing pageantry of the Saturday night dinner. Even the non-cool guys get rowdy on Sat night now. All the #DICKS need to stop booking flights before 7 AM on Sunday tho...
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? This isn't really the intent of the question but weirdly I think about the gyms a lot, first impressions, what I liked and hated about each one, how they impacted me as a player, etc. Probably because all the gyms I've been playing at in the UK are such shit.
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? I'm just going to list my fav thing about each city so as to not offend any host sensibilities. Plano: Angelie. Scottsdale: golf carts. Denver: the original hotel and Joe dancing at the bar. Cincy: the house and that Donley chili. Portland: the ref who wanted to be us and Beas. San Diego: the beach and beach bars obvs also getting hurt. Minny: trashy lake people, ping pong, and looking for CVS. 
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI? I miss the blog and podcast. We were so ahead of the podcast game. We should get an intern who can content manage us so that we keep the chatter going all year round. 
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Miami, never been, need an excuse.

When did you join PCTI? Year 2 in Lexington
What has been your favorite PCTI? Cincy - best host
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI? Saturday event, which forces everyone to be together instead of splitting off. Great way to close out the trip.
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI? Random one on one chats that get real, and not meaning deep - - but just real, when people put the shenanigan part of their personality down 
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city? Scottsdale - golf cart game was clutch
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI?  shot clock?
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI? Seattle, easy

When did you join PCTI? Year 2 aka the year PCTI became cool 
What has been your favorite PCTI? San Diego - not even close 
What has been your favorite addition (non player) to PCTI?  Pun's weed habit
Is there one (or more) very memorable thing that you think about from a PCTI?  Abe's punishment...and Pun's drug problem 
Outside of hoops, what has been your favorite city?  Denver - close second was Portland but too dirty 
Is there anything you think could be done to improve PCTI?  Get rid of Dan 
Maybe not next, but what city would you like to go for a future PCTI?  Miami, Vegas and somewhere overseas 

Monday, May 6, 2019

An Open Letter to PCTI

As you heard, me and Abe sat up late drinking some wine spritzers, gabbing about PCTI. Most of you know that Abe and I have known each other since we were 5, have played all types of sports together, lived together, and are basically brothers. We talked about other things, but PCTI dominated the conversation. The thing that we kept talking about is how special PCTI is. So I wanted to share some things with everyone that we talked about.

The first few years, I had a "power struggle" with Dan on who to add. This is probably one sided and DK didn't notice. It took me a while, but I finally realized that DK has always been open to things that I have brought up and it is way more efficient to let him, BC, and most anyone else know that I'm there to help but stay out of the way. I had to admit that I was on the wrong side of the fence a couple times. The first was when DK wanted to add Beas. I was against it and voiced my concern. I could sit here and give you all the excuses, but there's no point. Same thing happened a few years later with TP. I again was against it. I couldn't have been more wrong being opposed to them joining. After year 2, there have only been great additions. MY BAD FELLAS!

PCTI keeps us wanting to improve ourselves and basketball players and stay in shape. Abe actually said he would have retired from basketball by now if it was not for PCTI (dramatic much?). I would still play but probably play way more golf. The fact Sabin is old af and still performs at an incredible level drives me to be better. Seeing Beas shirtless makes me want to hit the gym more. Seeing Spotlights legs in his short shorts makes me want to shave my legs better. Seeing Smooth get fired up on defense and talk shit makes me want to do defensive drills. Watching Smo handout waters makes me want to hydrate better. Having something that pushes us, not wanting to let our teammates down when we show up is a great attribute of PCTI.

We talked about every single guy throughout the night. We didn't have a list we went down but at some point during the conversation all 17 guys were discussed. It has been cool to get to know these guys on a personal level. The posts, emails, and texts are all things that help keep us connected better than people we live in the same city with.

I told Abe this is a fraternity. You might not see someone for a year, but as soon as we get to our next city, a beat has not been missed. The intensity of the games is so great but the time we spend with each other off the court makes this trip what it is. This brotherhood is special thing and this year I'm expecting to be the best yet!

The 10th PCTI is less than 8 weeks away.... Let the anticipation build!!