Tuesday, May 27, 2014

PCTI IIII Annoymous poll

Use the address below to get to a ten question survey.

I will reveal the results once everyone has participated in the poll. Everything is totally anonymous, including the results coming in on my end. Please vote only once.


Sunday, May 4, 2014


As PCTI5 gets closer, it's time we start kicking up the blog for basketball related posts.  Instead of rehashing the recycled storylines, predictions, etc... I wanted to dive into another comparison post, this time linking players to their alter dog ego.

The Brat, Dalmation: Tall, skinny and nice looking on the exterior.  Mean, nasty and miserable on the interior.

Stickman, German Shepherd: Powerful and loyal, beloved by men and women... Typically an incredibly nice breed of dog, but if you cross one of his people... Watch out. 

Abe, Siberian Husky: Athletic, active breed that loves the outdoor lifestyle.  Nature dog but still keeps a pretty boy look, similar to Abe.


Fil-A, Japanese Chin: Small, smart, mild-mannered but lazy, the Chin enjoys a day on the couch... And nothing more.  Exercise is the devil to both these two.

Japanese Chin

Pitto, Yorkie: Bold to all and loyal to few, both Yorkies and Pitto love to cause trouble.  They also hate meeting new people.

Rough Collie

Skillz, Border Collie: A notorious workaholic, the Collie is known for it's instincts, preparation, and workhorse mentality.

Wil$on, Pappilion: Cute, cuddly, happy, book smart... But lacks physicality. 

B. Mac, Jack Russell Terrier: Boundless energy that never seems to wear down at any point.  Interestingly enough, JRT's have eye disorders, which BMC can relate to from his many shots to the eye over the course of his hoops career.

Spotlight, Chihuaha: Ugly but known as good looking, always jawing, and incredibly annoying.

Smo, Poodle: A poodle is the only living creature that requires more aesthetic upkeep than my guy Smo.  

Sabin, Greyhound: No one flip a switch from fast, athletic and productive to tired and incoherent faster than these two.