Friday, August 12, 2016

Wait! It can't be! That's the PCTI blog's music!

I told you it was coming back and now it's official.

Just in time for your Friday afternoon when you're counting down the minutes until you can leave work, The Bored chops it up with Sabin for 50+ minutes.


  1. No hyperbole here...really great stuff and insightful. Sabes is truly a PCTI savant

  2. I like how annoyed Danny gets at everybody for not dropping everything in their lives to complete a PCTI activity.

  3. Yeah that activity is soooooo labor intensive.

  4. Enjoyed it like crazy, especially the part about me and not as much the parts about everyone else. JK

    I have a POST on slow simmer building out on the me and Sabes coexistence...
