Thursday, January 28, 2016

State of PCTI Under New Leadership

It's no secret PCTI needed an injection of life in the biggest way... In business, many top companies will say the worst thing for people's performance is complacency in the same job, and that was never more evident than the Fruit Man's lackluster job as Commish the last few years.  

When the self-appointed People's Commish took over claiming high say high do solutions along with putting a premium on accountability, as much as I hate to admit it, he has delivered on his promise thus far as he took over a tired brand that badly needed some leadership and creativity.

In his first line of business after establishing a date that the prior commish took six months and wasn't able to do, he put his focus on personnel.  In addition to not being able to pick a date, the prior commish was not able to get a response from PCTI's first acquisition in three years, the man they call TP, TP immediately responded to the change in leadership by providing some candid thoughts on his on-court demeanor, pro's/con's, and a few wisecracks.  The fresh blood got the juices flowing and generated buzz around the group.

The People's Commish could have kicked back and relaxed knowing his work was done.  The roster/date was set, and he knew the weekend was in good hands with Scotty at the helm.

But he didn't stop there... He teased a surprise entrant on the heels of the Royal Rumble weekend, one which brought WWE COO and All-Time Great Triple H back after months off the camera.  What did the PC have up his sleeve?  What could he possibly have pulled off that anyone really cared about?

Love or hate him, it's no secret as much passion disappeared from PCTI as did the muscle off his body when Jeff Sabin quietly announced his retirement after a phantom injury keeping him out of 5, and a seminar out of 6.  The PC recognized the need to inject more life into PCTI, and what bigger splash than putting together a deal to bring back the most talked about player in the history of this great event?

PCTI's favorite villain is back... And he's bringing his 0-4 record, captainship of the worst team in PCTI history, and greatest single PCTI shooting performance along with him.  Will the years away shake him of the monkey on his back?  We will find out soon.

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