Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Roommate Draft Day Board for Dr. Thompson

Who I’m not picking….
Pitto (Obvious Reasons)
Eskildsen (Lack of Fundamental Basketball Knowledge)
FruitCake (Too many Twinkies)
Sabin (Republican)
Wes (Too many French Fries)
Spotlight (He's another captain otherwise he would be at the top of my board)

Who I am going to pick:
1)   Run BMC (Best Friend)
2)   Ben Wilson (Rave Partner)
3)   Brat Carney (FRHS)
4)   Donlee Lips (Best Married Friend)
5)   Bruiser (Beer Friend)
6)   Smo (Ex-Best Friend)
7)   Hops (Deep Voice Friend)
8)   Beas (Ski Friend)
9)   Abe (Dentistry Friend)