Sunday, March 17, 2013

Person Rankings for Scottsdale

It's time for my month out rankings on who I'm not looking forward to seeing most, all the way to who I'm not looking forward to seeing least (them being ranked #1). 

14-Ben Wilson: Whether it's him being his natural annoying self, attempting to copy Joe's really clever nickname of "Danie" or his new thing of going to a concert and tagging that he is with me, Willy has decided to drive the stake even futher by showing up in Dallas in two weeks to celebrate my favorite holiday, Easter.  Can't wait until PCTI is over so I don't have to see him for another year.

13-German Spotlight: This guy is the epitome of over hyped. His persona of what he interprets as "kewl" is retweeting things he thinks are clever, or talking about music no one has Sam Hurd of (one of the main reasons I hate music is because people think they are cool for knowing a band no one else has heard of).  NEWSFLASH-If no one has heard of a band, it's probably because they aren't that good.  Anyway, the other member of the grammer (is it grammar) squad with Wilson, I'm sure he will provide the only value he brings to PCTI and corrects some of my wording.  Thanks in advance.

12-Nature Beasley: I'm going to tolerate him because he is a teammate of mine, but I don't have to like him.  His new found confidence within the PCTI ranks has him walking around with a too cool attitude, and those are things I do not tolerate well.  I'm not sure how he will do outside of his comfort zone (nature), so hopefully he stays in his room the whole time.

11-Josh Pitto: Nothing he can do can get him to rise any higher than this. 

10-Jeff Sabin: I see him twice a week and email with him probably four times a day.  We have had a PCTI conversation that has been going on consistently for about 8 months now, so seeing him isn't necessarily topping my priority list.  That being said, I do especially get excited about watching him eat during the PCTI weekend, going from leafy greens for six months leading up to the tourney to pizza is something that gets him giddy like a schoolboy.

9-Actor: I love when I get to see the Actor to find out what else he scheduled with whatever random people he knows in whatever random city we are in.  Because of that, the hope is that he won't be around much, which excites me enough to plop him about four spots higher than the other guys I associate him with, Ben and Spot.

8-BMC: His passion for ingratiating himself last year by attacking me with constant golf talk deserves some love.  Anyone that wants to get someone worked up that much gets a pat on the back from me, even if I'm on the receiving end.  I look forward to seeing him orchestrate and facilitate the weekend, and can't wait to see how many times he gets the group lost because he forgets what is going on and starts wandering around amelessly.

7-It's Me, It's Me, It's BBC: Normally, he would be much lower on this list, but there are some things that BBC does during the weekend that no one can top.  1-Getting upset and lashing out.  2-Getting red faced.  3-Stomping around on the court when he is crabby.  4-Getting emotional when he drinks.  You can't find that from anyone, and for that we have to appreciate what he brings to the table.

6-StickMan: The itin stick Nazi, if it wasn't for the Stick we might no longer abide by a schedule.  If we get one minute off that stick, Stick will start popping off demanding answers as to why we haven't left and what the plan is.  In a weekend full of stuff going on, without the Stick holding up the itin, the weekend would be absolute chaos.  For those who haven't watched him in action, pay attention this year.. You are in for a treat.

5-Donley: Although (like everyone else in PCTI) I'm a huge Donley hater, I will be spending the entire weekend (and week) before the tournament with Donley, so I will get my time with him out of the way.  The reason he is so high on the list is a similar reason to Sabin, but since I like Sabin, I'm not as excited to not have to talk to him.  After the full week of time spent together, there is no question Donley and I will be tired of each other, resulting in zero communication during the weekend which I'm especially excited for.

4-Skillz: The fact that he has quietly become the most hated guy in PCTI simply because of some of the guys who's game he values has skyrocketed his ranking, and I really look forward to seeing how he carries himself with a target on his back.  It's always enjoyable watching him show off his calves, and his mystery man persona that he has embraced so much always hits me in the right Spot(light).

3-Sma: Do I need to give anymore reason outside of my excitement to watch him drive that van?  It's not even so much the confidence that he drives it, but moreso the smart ass comments he makes when he asks someone a question five rows back and they don't respondjghhjlkuy bliu kh g,khhg jgf jmhg

2 (Tie)-Hops and Abe: The Batman and Robin of PCTI is always enjoyable for me to watch because they are allegedly best friends, yet I have never seen them speak a word to each other.  I love watching Hops play his role of social liasion almost as much as I enjoy Abe's role as PCTI smart guy, so choosing between the two is a toss up.  All I know is that I hope to make it another year of never watching the two of them talk.

1-Deuce: This was the easiest part of the whole list.  Deuce continues to shine as PCTI's only cool guy, master facilitator of drinks, and value maker.  If you think about it, Deuce is the only person that brings anything of importance to each weekend, then we received the added bonus of his girlfriend who turned out to be almost as cool as him, and a hell of a lot cooler than all of you.  I especially enjoy the way he sticks out like a sore thumb with his NFL linebacker build. 

See you knuckleheads in a month.


PS-This post was not edited.  Ben and Spot the floor is now yours...


  1. I noticed Wes didn't make your list. Maybe you just realized he wasn't going to read it anyway...

  2. Man that little bit you threw on the end there of my paragraph is pretty sweet. Well said.

  3. Wes will never make another one of my lists.

    Smo-I'm articulate. Can't help it.

  4. I'm mostly just glad that Spotlight didn't win another list. His winning streak was getting out of control.

  5. If you think about where he falls in line with his goals, he came in a close second to Wilson for being my least favorite person.

  6. Man I had a great jump in the rankings from last year.

  7. You should be ashamed of yourself.
