Sunday, March 31, 2013

Roundtable Conversation

This past weekend, Dallas natives Anthony and Carrie Hopkins came into town for a weekend full of food and hoops.  I thought it was important to let fellow PCTI members in on a conversation that took place over a pizza before a Thursday night hoop session.  For the record, this conversation came up out of the (Greg) blue and is 100% true.

Fruit Man Danie: "Spotlight is really good looking."
Kelsey Krow: "Shut up Danny that's seriously all you ever talk about."
Carrie Hops: "OMG that's all Anthony ever talks about too!"
Hops: "What else is there to talk about?"

In a drastic turn of events, I decided I'm a Spotlight fan.



  1. Don't buy it spot. He is just trying to infiltrate.

  2. Infiltrate what? QP is dead, you're the one that said it first.

  3. A) Love the fact that Fruit refers to himself as Fruit Man Danie in this post
    2) LOVE any post that features Hops and Carrie
    C) QP is a rock, deal with it
    4) This conversation happens in [insert any major North, Central or South American city] every night
